Friday, 6 April 2018

Friends forever #A2Z challenge

The best part of college life is we make friends who stay with us forever. Of course, we will have childhood friends in our lives but making new set of friends in college is something different. We get close with only whose frequency levels match with ours. And only after entering my college, I have got best friends in my life whom I can rely upon at any time.

Without friends college life would have been very dry and boring. There wouldn't be any gossips, bitching about our enemies, laughing at silly jokes, code languages that only you and your friend understand and overall there wouldn't be any fun at all. Friends stood by me through my up's and down's and still they stand by me. Thanks to my college for I have a wonderful friends for life. Even today, I have never ending conversations with friends though we talk almost everyday and the stories doesn't seem to end at all.


  1. Excellent post Sushma.. I guess that's what we carry forward in life from College.. our friendships..

    On a related note, I had an excellent though small group of friends which went way beyond college and after a decade got us into an unforgettable experience... my debut novel Friendship Calling is all about that.. if college friendships hook you on, then do read my story in Friendship Calling:,204,203,200_QL40_&dpSrc=srch

    1. Thank you sayan. Some friends stay with us for lifetime.
      I'll surely read your book. That sounds interesting.


A beautiful sunset

A beautiful sunset captured on our last trip. It is always very pleasant and soothing to view the sunset or the sunrise.