Monday, 4 June 2018

Few things a married woman should always remember

Getting married comes with a lot of responsibilities. In India, getting married to a man is like getting married to his entire family. You need to take care of their needs, likes, dislikes and have to keep everyone happy. Amidst all these, a woman becomes so busy that she finds no time for self. And sometimes, she remains quite when she is supposed to raise her voice.

Here is a list of things that a married woman should never forget.

1. Dedicate some time for yourself

  You may have too many responsibilities and a lot of day to day work to be carried out but it is not wrong to have some time for yourself. You need a change too from your daily routine. So once in a while take a break. Hang out for a movie or shopping or anything that makes you happy.

2. Be independent

How much ever supportive & caring your husband and his family are, it is very much important to be independent. Be independent and pay off your own bills rather than waiting for someone else to pay them for you. Be independent and make your own identity and you will know how happy you can be.

3. Have a social circle

No matter how occupied you are, take time and meet your friends once in a while. Get in touch with your old friends. Call them and talk to them. Reconcile with all your friends and cherish the memories that you created. Share things with your friends. This will make you feel happy. This will make you feel light. Having a friend circle will always make a person better.

4. Support your parents

Your parents might be independent but being there as a pillar of strength when needed is very important. Be it a financial support or a moral support never leave there side. You are what you are because of them. As a man has responsibilities for his parents, woman too has the same responsibilities for her parents. Since you are married off does not mean the responsibility is over. You should still take care of them and support them in all possible ways and make them feel happy.

5. Do what you feel is right

You don't have to stop yourself from doing something just because someone else does not like it. If you feel like doing something and if you are sure that it is not at all wrong then there is no need for you to be scared. You can go ahead and do what makes you happy.

6. Have kids when you are really ready

Don't have kids because someone else wants you to have one. It's people's tendency to give unnecessary suggestions and opinions. Have a kid only when you and your partner are ready. Remember a child is only your responsibility and no one who once asked you to have a baby will even bother once your baby is in this world. If you feel you are still not ready to take up a responsibility of a child then give it some more time but don't ever think of having a baby when you are not at all ready for it.

7. Raise your voice against domestic violence and when ever needed

This is the most important thing of all mentioned above. Unfortunately, even many educated woman face domestic violence yet keep quite without raising a voice against it. Remember, keeping quite will only encourage a person to continue it even in future. So be bold and talk about it to someone if you are into a abusive relation. Take help from your family and friends and put an end for the violence. Never keep quite and bear everything that is happening to you.

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