Saturday, 29 June 2019
Sunday, 23 June 2019
A brave heart
He promised to be back.
With a peck on her cheek.
She bid good bye.
With tears in her eyes.
She waited for his call.
She waited for his message.
She waited to show him their new born who resembled him.
With every knock on the door, she expected his return.
Days passed to weeks and weeks to month with no clue of his return.
Finally a day arrived were she received a call that he is on the way.
She cleant the house, lighted lamps and dressed her son in a best possible way.
She opened the door and fell unconscious when she saw his coprse in front of the house.
She regained strength and stood with broken heart.
She saluted and said she is not scared even if her son wants to serve the nation following his path.
Saturday, 22 June 2019
Happiness is a choice
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Are we really happy today? It depends on us. Happiness is our choice. If you want to be happy, you will be happy no matter what. And what makes us happy depends on each individual.
My daughter is happy even at the small things. If she sees a dog or a cow, she will jump in happiness. She is very happy when she see us coming back from the office. A small chocolate or a doll excites her a lot.
My husband is very happy when he does his job perfectly. He is happy when his hard work is recognised. He is happy playing with our daughter or shopping for her. He is happy when he play's any outdoor game or spend time with friends.
I am happy when my daughter eats without any tantrums or when she listens to me. Her every small milestone has made me happy. When I get a helping hand or when I get time to relax, I am happy.
This way if I want to write, everyone are happy in their own way. Earning money is a part of living. Even earning makes me happy as it gives me a feeling of independence. But I still carry out my other tasks and responsibilities. We cannot say we forget happiness while earning money. We still laugh, play, go out, enjoy and are happy. Even small things can still make us happy like an appreciation, a kind gesture, helping others.
Wednesday, 19 June 2019
Annoying things I get to hear
It's been a long time since I have written something. My busy schedule, professional and personal commitment kept me out of writing. But today, the reason for me to write is frustration. I am so frustrated at certain things that it pushed me to write. Here are few things that I am very frustrated.
Mesnturation: Yes, I am mensturating. But that is not the reason for my frustration. The reason is how mensturation is looked at even today. I came out of my room in the morning to have a cup of coffee and I was asked to have bath first, before anything as others should perform puja. Now, how would me having bath make any difference? Will it stop my periods for rest of the days? Why is mensuration seen as a dirty thing when it is a normal process of a women which lasts for 5 days? Why is a women untouchable for 5 days just because she is going through a normal process?
Bangles and bindi: Okay, now, I am married and I am not very particular about bangles or bindi. But that does not make me less married or less women. I know how to dress in what occasion and when to wear bangle and bindi. But why is a women judged about culture and upbringing for a bindi and bangle? I have seen so called cultured people with bangle and bindi behaving in a uncultered way with no etiquettes and moral values. If that is called as culture, then I definitely do not wish to follow that culture.
Women in a marrige need to adjust and have patience: Wow! So what will men do? Test women's patience? I am not saying having patience and adjusting is wrong. But why to mandate it only for women? Both husband and wife have their equal share in a marriage and both are bound to adjust with each other and have patience. Successful marriage is in both the husband and wives hand, not just a wife.
Don't wear revealing clothes to welcome rape: Sure. But please give me list of what type of clothes to wear. It is better if the list contains clothes to be worn for every age group. Because rape happens even to a 8 month old baby who does not know anything expect for her family and even at a 3 year old or even at 60 year old. Or better why not people stop lecturing a women. Instead of lecturing a women, it is better if your son is taught to behave well and respect women. Then even with a two piece dress, women will feel safe and be safe.
People want to get modernized. People want to get all the luxury and comfort. People want change in the society and want things to improve. But people fail to improve their thought process. People fail to change their mindset. Because of which most women get to hear these things in their daily lives.
A beautiful sunset
A beautiful sunset captured on our last trip. It is always very pleasant and soothing to view the sunset or the sunrise.

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